Birthday:22 december 1990
Hobbies: playing tennis, football and skateboarding and also playing the drums
Jean-baptiste maunier is a singer/actor in France. He first appeared in the movie, Les Choristes In the show, he play Pierre Morhange, a delinquent with an exceptional singing voice at the correctional school Fond de L'Etang. The movie made him famous in France.
Nowadays, his voice has deepen due to puberty. Hnecehe doesnt sing as much but has become much more active in acting.
A more recent movie that he has acted in would be hellphone
Jean-Baptiste Maunier was born at Brignoles in the Var, and now lives in Sainte Foy les Lyon, a suburb of Lyon. He has a younger brother called Benjamin, born in 1995.
After he graduated from highschool, Jean-Baptiste flew to the United States to spend a year at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in order to improve his acting skills.
When he entered Class Six he was asked to make a choice between various activities. He selected singing and became a member of the Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Marc, thereby following the example of his father who was himself a member of the Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Raphael.
The following story, you surely know it already. Christophe Barratier, director of Les Choristes discoved Jean-Baptiste and his extraordinary voice during a casting to find the choir who was going to sing in this film's soundtrack.
The movie Les Choristes opened in cinemas on March 17th 2004 and was agreat success, with about 8.6 million entries in France.It was distributed widely and translated into several languages. Following on from this, Jean-Baptiste and the choir took part in numerous concerts all over the world, a wave of enthusiasm being generated by the film.
Jean-Baptiste left the choir in February 2005 so as to be able to devote more time to his studies, which are a priority, and to his career as an actor. However, to immortalize his incredible voice, he decided to sing in duet with Clémence Saint-Preux Concerto Pour Deux Voix.
Jean-Baptiste remains very keen on the cinema! So, in April and August 2005, he took part in a television series for France 2 directed by Herve BASLE. This film is made up of four episodes. Jean-Baptiste plays the part of Robert as a young man ( Francis Renaud takes over when Robert is older ) in a steelworks. He features in the first episode and appears in a flashback in the third episode. The film was shown on France 2 in February, and is now available as a DVD.
When the filming with Herve BASLE was over, Jean-Baptiste began filming alongside Nicolas DUVAUCHELLE and Clemence POESY in "Le Grand Meaulnes", directed by Jean-Daniel VERHAEGHE. In this film, based on the novel of the same name by Alain Fournier, Jean-Baptiste plays Francois SEUREL. The film is showing in French cinemas at the moment. Don't miss it!!
Jean-Baptiste has also done some doubling. His voice is that of Saxo in the cartoon "Piccolo, Saxo and Co." which was shown in cinemas from 20th December 2006.
Jean-Baptiste said that he enjoyed this experience, and that if another opportunity arose he would be happy to do it again.
In the summer of 2006, Jean-Baptiste acted in James HUTH's ( responsible for Brice de Nice ) new full-length film called "Hellphone", which roughly means "Le telephone maudit" in French. In this film Jean-Baptiste plays Sid, a fan of the rock group AC/DC who finds he has a mobile phone with surprising powers, and by means of which he can win over Angie (played by Jennifer DECKER). This is a completely different style for Jean-Baptiste because the film is a fantasy/comedy. Jean-Baptiste has stated that it is a "real film for the young". It's true that Hellphone is the first French film of this type. The reult is in cinemas from April 7th 2007.
Jean-Baptiste also takes part in charity work, such as "Les etoiles de l'Espoir". However, the best-known are "Les Enfoires". They are organised to help finance the "Restos du Coeur".
Maunier gained fame for his starring role in the 2004 French film Les Choristes, in which he plays Pierre Morhange, a delinquent with an exceptional singing voice at the correctional school Fond de L'Étang. Christophe Barratier, the director of Les Choristes, chose Maunier because "he had the right look" and a marvellous voice. He was also exceptionally appealing for the role.
Following the release of the film, Maunier and the choir took part in numerous concerts all over the world, including Japan and Canada. In February 2005, Maunier left the choir in order to devote more time to his studies and to his acting career. In April and August 2005, he took part in a four-episode television series for France 2 directed by Hervé Baslé, Le Cri. In the series, Maunier plays the part of a young worker in a steelworks. The series was released in 2006.
Maunier appears in Le Grand Meaulnes, a film directed by Jean-Daniel Verhaeghe, based on a novel of the same name by Alain-Fournier. Maunier plays Francois Seurel in this film, which was first released in October 2006.
In Piccolo, Saxo et compagnie, released in December 2006, an animated film about musical instruments and notes on an adventure, Maunier lent his voice to the character Saxo.
In the summer of 2006, Maunier acted in Hellphone, a full-length film directed by James Huth. In this film, Maunier plays the role of Sid, a fan of the rock group AC/DC who finds he has a mobile phone with surprising powers. The film was released in March 2007.
His most recent film is L'Auberge rouge, directed by Gérard Krawczyk, an adaptation of the 1951 version. Maunier stars as Octave. It opened in theaters in France on 5 December 2007.
Jean-Baptiste has recently spent a year studying at New York's Lee Strasberg Institute to unleash his acting potentials. Staying in the US has also allowed him to polish and perfect his English. He has returned to France now, and has performed in the Enfoirés charity concert of 2010.
Upon entering collège (middle school), Maunier was asked to make a choice between various activities. He chose singing and became a member of Les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Marc (full name is "La Chorale des Petits Enfants De Saint-Marc"). In the choir, he was tutored by the choirmaster, Nicolas Porte, and learned to develop his singing voice.In Les Choristes, the film that made him widely famous for his singing skills, both Maunier's solo and the chorus of "Les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Marc" are featured on the original soundtrack.In 2005, to keep a souvenir of his voice before it broke, Maunier decided to sing with Clemence Saint-Preux and had released the single,Concerto pour deux voix, which was in turn an adaptation of Concerto pour une voix.
While Maunier's vocal career is on hold for now, since 2005 he has participated in Les Enfoirés, an ensemble of notable singers and performers in France that periodically performs charity concerts.

L'art de porter le kilt
La tradition veut que l'un de nous ne porte rien sous son kilt... Je vous rassure, c'est toujours le cas cette année lors de notre entrée par le public pour Another day in paradise de Phil Collins ! Hier, c'était Patrick Fiori. Ce soir (dimanche soir), ce sera peut-être moi et demain, tout le monde devrait s'y coller ! Et puis, il y a ceux qui ont toujours de sales manies : Pascal et Christophe prennent toujours un malin plaisir à soulever mon kilt !
Fatal Bazooka
Je ne suis pas forcément fan de rap mais j'aime beaucoup la dérision. C'est la seconde année que je chante sur Fatal Bazooka et je m'amuse beaucoup. On est loin des Choristes et c'est très bien ainsi. Il n'y a plus d'image à respecter, je peux tout casser et c'est un grand plaisir.
Déjà un ancien vétéran ?
Je suis toujours le plus jeune mais je commence déjà à faire partie des «vieux» car cela fait déjà six ans que je participe aux Enfoirés. Mais je précise que benjamin ne signifie pas pour autant chouchou ! On s'entend tous très bien et il règne une ambiance unique. Et imaginez tout ce qui se passe à la troisième mi-temps...
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